1. Dark or White Mousse mix. 18 oz
Cold full fat milk 1 Fl.Qt
1. Pour the Ice cold milk into a mixing bowl (make sure it is not higher than one third of the bowl because of the yield of the
product (about 2.5 times)
2. Pour the mix and whip together starting with a slow speed and increasing the speed until you obtain the right texture,
3. Portion into cups with a piping bag
4. Let set in the fridge at least 1 hour before serving.
Very high yield : the recipe above gives you about 35 portions of 100 cc
The shelf-life is about 5 to 6 days when you cover the cups and store in cool place
2. Neutral Mousse mix. 18 oz
Ice-cold half-skimmed milk 50.7 Fl oz
Flavoured fruit puree (3.5 – 5.3 oz)
1. Pour the Ice cold milk into a mixing bowl (make sure it is not higher than one third of the bowl because of the yield of the
product (about 2.5 times)
2. Pour the mix and the fruit puree to your taste and whip together starting with a slow speed and increasing the speed until
you obtain the right texture,
3. Portion into cups with a piping bag
4. Let set in the fridge at least 1 hour before serving.
Very high yield : the recipe above gives you about 35 portions of 100 cc
The shelf-life is about 5 to 6 days when you cover the cups and store in cool place
3. FLAN POWDER 8.8 oz
boiling water 1 Fl.Qt
1. Let the water get boiling and take the pan out the fire
2. Add the FLAN POWDER and stir gently
3. Fill the portion cups or the pastry bases
4. Let set in the fridge at least 1/2 hour before serving
Depending on the final result you want to obtain, you may decide to use 50% water, 50% milk
4. Creme Brulee 8.8 oz
boiling full fat fresh cream 1 Fl.Qt
1. Let the fresh cream get boiling and take the pan out the fire
2. Add the FLAN POWDER and stir gently
3. Fill the portion cups or the pastry bases
4. Let set in the fridge at least 1/2 hour before serving
5. Pour the brown sugar on top of the product
6. Burn the sugar with a torch and serve immediately
Depending on the final result you want to obtain, you may decide to use 50% milk, 50% fresh cream ... |