As my logo (and my online handle in general) have been inspired from VF-1, it was natural that my first decal sheet was devoted to the Wolfpack.
I chose Wichita 103 during operation Desert Storm as the main bird for this sheet, as it scored an air to air kill against a Mi-8.

. Overall light gull grey F-14A
. Air to air refuelling door removed.
. High visibility marking on the tail and large US insignia. No nose band but ventral fuel tanks were possibly decorated with the VF-1 band.
. the kill mark is not a Mi-8 silhouette but a Mi-24 as it was believed to be shot down initially.

The second bird from this sheet is Wichita 112. Another light gull grey F-14A with low visibility markings. Note the AAR door removed as well.

Decal sheet is available in 1/32, 1/48 and 1/72 scale.
I print decals and cut masks on request. Contact me.
The project was developed for both the 1/32 & 1/48 Tamiya F-14A Tomcat.
It can be scaled down to 1/72 on request
Indicative price:
1/32 price (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 30€
1/48 price: (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 25€
1/72 price: (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 20€
I print decals and cut masks on request, please allow 3 to 4 days for preparation of your order. Contact me for ordering
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