Maid in the Shade in a Confederate Air Force restored B-25J flying nowadays at Airshow across the USA.
Combined inkjet Decals/Masks available in 1/32 – 1/48 – 1/72 scale

The project combines the use of masks and decals. By far the biggest challenge of this venture was the nose art of the pinup against the Corsica map. Home decals being not densely coloured enough, the use of a white background is mandatory. Masks are thus used for this project for both the background of some decals but also for the white numbers on the blue tails and the large white and blue national insignias.

The decal part above and the masks are illustrated below. Masks for the star and bars are provided but kit’s decals can be used.

- Once your model is painted, apply both Corsica map masks on the nose of the
B-25 and paint the map white. Place the masks for the white background of the patch as well. Then apply the corresponding pin-up and patch decals. - Once your outer tail are painted French blue, apply the 18 and bottom rectangle masks and paint white. You can either use the provide masks to paint the 335 972 serials in black or you can use the provided decal, whichever you prefer.
- The confederate air force logo decals should be placed just aft of the cockpit on each side of the fuselage.
- Commemorative air force text decals are to be placed under the tail on both side of the fuselage.
- Stencils in general (particularly the propeller ones) should be taken from the kit’s decal sheet.
- The US insignias can be painted from the provided masks or you can use the kit’s decals.
- Bomb tally is optional but if placed should be located under the co-pilot window on the right side fuselage.
The artwork was done and tested with the HK model 1/32 B-25 and has already been scaled down to 1/48 & 1/72.
Indicative price:
1/32 price (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 30€
1/48 price (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 25€
1/72 price: (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 20€
I print decals and cut masks on request, please allow 3 to 4 days for preparation of your order. Contact me for ordering
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