I had the pleasure to custom design two specific B-17 in 1/32 and 1/48, both for HK models:
- Bobby Sox B-17G in 1/32
- Lucky thirteen B-17F in 1/48
Both are available in 1/32, 1/48 and 1/72 scale.
Markings are provided either in masks or decals according to your wishes.
I can also provide both. The nose art are usually done with a combination of masks to provide the required white background and decals for the artwork.
National insignias are better done in masks especially since they contain white. Codes can be done either way depending their colour density and your wishes.
For instance, Bobby Sox codes being black, they could be used as decals but Lucky thirteen codes being grey over a green fuselage I would advise using masks.

If you want to have a unique B-17 in your collection, do not hesitate to contact me and we will work together to design the decals and/or masks in your scale.

Indicative price:
1/32 price (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 30€
1/48 price (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 25€
1/72 price: (inkjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 20€
I print decals and cut masks on request, please allow 3 to 4 days for preparation of your order. Contact me for ordering
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