This decal/Mask combo sheet is meant to supplement the mask sheet from
DN models for the F-16C green BDU splinter aggressor sheet. DN models supplies all the masks necessary to paint the aircraft but the decals markings are missing.
The set was scaled for the 1/32 Tamiya F-16C and is made of a decal sheet and a mask sheet. This set offers quite a lot of challenges:
- Decals are light coloured over dark backgrounds and therefore might not stand out enough as the laser printers used are not able to print white.
- The stencils are very small and are at the limit of what the Cameo 4 can cut.
To help overcome these challenges different possibilities are offered but none of them are ideal and will introduce more work for the modeller as a combination of different technique will be required
- Decals can be superimposed to deepen their light colours. Although I do not advise to use this method, I have seen it used in the past with great results.
- Small masks are provided (instead of decals) but they are very fragile and very difficult to place
- Extra decals with camouflaged backgrounds are supplied as well. When used in combination of the background masks supplied (that should be painted white), it ensures that the decal light colour stands out better on the camouflaged colour.
This combo sheets provides marking for 2 Alaskan F-16C: 860295 & 860286

Due to challenges above, this set cannot be scaled to 1/48 or 1/72.
Indicative price: 1/32 (laserjet decals + vinyl masks + worldwide shipping): 30€
I print decals and cut masks on request, please allow 3 to 4 days for preparation of your order. Contact me for ordering
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