My home base is Grimbergen EBGB; Yes you probably know Grimbergen because it is home to the abbey producing the famous beer. Matter of fact the abbey is an important reference point for our landing pattern for landing on RWY 01.

EBGB is the closest FBO to Brussels actually located inside the Brussels CTR. When EBGB is open the North West quart of the CTR turns into class G airspace from surface to 1000 feet which allows us to depart and come back at Grimbergen.
EBGB has a single 01/19 grass runway of 614m – 2015 feet. The runway is short but very well maintained and stays open all year long even during wet winter. Local pilots are very careful not to turn the runway into muddy grounds.
The grass runway is enclosed by two asphalted stopways which gives a unique feeling to new pilots. I fondly remember the first time I was trying to identify the runway!

Local pattern is 800 feet and quite un-standard. If the left hand pattern for RWY 19 is almost like any other terrain, the right hand pattern for 01 is very short as pilots can not enter the EBBR CTR located very close to the South of the field.
Two clubs share the facilities: the Sabena Aeroclub and the RVG – Recreative Vliegveld Grimbergen. The field features a very nice restaurant “Het vliegveld” and a fuel station.
Grimbergen has quite an history. It started to be used as a reserve field for the Belgian military in 1939. Fiat CR32 were operating from the field when German invaded Belgium in 1940. From then the field was enlarged to allow more extensive use by the Luftwaffe. In August 1944, Grimbergen was home for a few days to the Jagdgeschwader 26 flying FW-190A under the command of Josef Priller.
It was liberated early September 1944 and it did not take long before the RAF started operating the field, first with Mustangs, then Tempest and finally Spitfires. Grimbergen was also heavily used by C-47 during operation Arnhem.
In 1945 the airfield was operated by American forces but took a secondary role from Evere airfield. During operation Bodenplatte the JG26 came back and attacked Grimbergen were 6 allied aircraft were destroyed on the ground at a high prices as many Luftwaffe fighters were destroyed by allied flak.
After the war the field was used as a stockpile for US materials before being handed over to civilians. It then began a tourism airport.

In 1947, two very unique round aircraft hangars were built and these remain one very unique piece of contemporary architecture. These hangars are still being used today although they need to be renewed and more modern hangars were just built for the two aeroclub aircraft.