4.35 has been released with a full document suite, resulting from 15 years of hard work from a dedicated small team of individuals committed to quality:
The Doc team members are/were:
Red Dog: lead author and Document manager
Kolbe: Key callbacks, device manager, BMS manual and technical manual
Darkman: lead proof reader & Radar for dash-34
Zipgun: Lead SEAD/DEAD editor and campaign for BMS manual.
Testers and first readers Memo, MRO, Malc & Ironman.

The BMS manual is dedicated to sim specific stuff such as installation, weather controls, UI management, TE creation, campaign engine information and how to setup multiplayer. The 200 pages document was written by Kolbe (views chapter), Zipgun (campaign) and me for all the rest.
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

The Dash-1 250 pages is meant to document the F-16 systems, normal and abnormal procedure. It’s basically the F-16 pilot’s operating handbook. The single author is Red Dog and it has been available well before the docs were part of BMS.
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

The Dash-34 explains mainly BMS weapon and targeting systems. Authors are a bit of everyone but Darkman managed this 280 pages document since BMS 4.33. I am currently completely rewriting this volume
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

The Training manual was inspired from the original falcon 4.0 binder. The 210 pages document the BMS training missions also maintained throughout BMS updates since 4.33 (and that’s no small task either)
Author: Red Dog.
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

This 150 pages document was initially published in the early 2000 as the Falcon navigation tutorial explaining the use of approach charts in the sim. When 4.34 added proper radio coms and a very good ATC system, this document was reviewed and updated to the BMS comms and Nav book. Author Red Dog.
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

Although BMS is an F-16 sim, naval ops have been implemented for the F/A-18 in 4.34 mostly as a way to prove a (useless) point against DCS.
Being a fan of carrier operations (and indeed using DCS for that) I nevertheless wrote a small 80 pages document explaining basic carrier ops in BMS.
Author: Red Dog.
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

The technical manual was created for 4.34 upon the fact that some chapters in the BMS manuals became too technical: Hotas configuration, key callbacks, ini file structure, config options, IVC are now documented in this 260 page document.
Author: Red Dog & Kolbe & parts of Dash-34 contributors.
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

KAIP (Korean Aeronautical Information Publication) was created specifically for BMS assembling all Aeronautical information available to BMS, including all approach charts for KTO. The charts are also available on the BMS interactive maps.
Author: Red Dog
4.35 version is available here.
4.35 Cover artwork is also available
Printed version is available from Lulu. (4.34)

The latest F-16 checklists are up to date for BMS 4.35 and include:
Cockpit Interior checks
Main Checklists
Emergency Checklists
Avionics Checklists
Weapons Checklists
Formation Checklists
They are also available as DDS to be included in your BMS pilot kneeboards.
These checklists have been maintained since the original release of Falcon 4.0 in 1998
Author: Red Dog – Download here
Managing such an amount of pages is certainly as overwhelming for any user as it is hard for us to maintain. The authors are very well aware of that and here are our recommendations:
1. Document list & purpose
• TO-BMS1F-16CM-1 (aka Dash-1). Purpose: How to fly the airplane. Aircraft systems, Normal procedures, Abnormal procedures.
• TO-BMS1F-16CM-34-1-1 (aka Dash-34). Purpose: How to fight with the F-16. Combat avionics, Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground systems, Weapons.
• BMS-Comms-Nav-book. Purpose: How to Communicate and Navigate in the Falcon world with the ATC in BMS; how to use BMS approach charts.
• BMS-Training. Purpose: 26 chapters for each BMS training mission. From basic ramp & navigation to aircraft systems to A-G and A-A combat.
• BMS-Naval-Ops. Purpose: How to use Carrier Ops with the F/A-18 & AV-8B and managing operations around the carrier with the ATC.
• Charts for KTO: All approach charts for Korea.
• Checklists: BMS F-16 checklists for quick reference in flight: normal checklists, avionics quick ref, weapon use quick ref etc.
• BMS-Manual. Purpose: Simulation specific explanation: Installation, Configuration, UI, TEs, Campaigns, Views, Multiplayer.
• BMS-Technical-Manual. Purpose: Technical information for the user, advanced user and third-party developer about BMS features.
• BMS Device Setup Guide: A guide to setup all the HOTAS files provided in the BMS install: TM Cougar, MFDs, Warthog, Saitek X-65F, X-55, X-52, X-52Pro, X-45 and CH.
• BMS TIR install guide and BMS VAC install guide to help you setup Track-IR and Voice Activated Commands for use with BMS.
• BMS Key File Editor Manual: A complete document on how to use the Keyfile Editor spreadsheet to create or edit custom key files.
2. The flow
Learning to fly a study sim is a steep curve but rewarding curve.
The flow will be different depending on what you want from the sim and therefore there is no one solution fits all.
Nevertheless here is a recommended flow for new users willing to invest time in the sim:
“Learn to walk before you attempt to run”
To install and setup BMS, refer to the BMS-Manual.
If you are new to BMS and setting up your HOTAS please refer to the first chapter of the technical manual.
If you are a veteran, setup your HOTAS with the HOTAS device guide.
No need to read those manuals completely. Just read the relevant chapters for your immediate task.
Read the Dash-1 completely. You will not remember everything but it will help you later when you want to come back to specific aspects.
The first chapters of the Comms and Nav Book should be next as these will teach you how to interact with the BMS ATC around airbases.
To overcome the need to fly as soon as possible, use the BMS-Training manual and fly the BMS training missions.
When you need more information about the avionics and weapon systems, refer to the Dash-34.
If you start to create TEs or fly campaigns, or if you want to get setup for multiplayer refer to the BMS-Manual again.
As you want to start using charts in Korea, refer to the second part of the Comms and Nav book which will teach you how to fly in the weather and navigate in the Falcon world.
Go between manuals as needed to learn about specific aspects and the minute details implemented in BMS. You can’t digest all the information in one quick read.
Have fun and remember, the answers are in there… RTFM!